Monday, June 18, 2007

It's Only The FIRST Week

All right! So it has only been a week. Not even there yet actually, only about THREE days. Naturally, like a geek who's just bought a new toy, I'm all ga-ga over this blogging thing and felt the urge to post and post and post. About anything basically! Like now when I'm just done with lunch next door. There were these three aunties that were really dragging the chicken rice queue wayyyy longer than usual. Want the meat like this want that meat, in the end also let the guy choose which meat... shit. And how I miss FRIENDS. I really should get the full-box set dvd or something. I've actually been reading the script online. Just the text mind you, but the scenes played themselves out in my head as I try to keep myself awake. Not that I'm not busy mind you, but its just that I'm busy waiting for feedback. And they do come back, it'll be late, I'll be swamped, and .. I'll have to Over Time .. again.

But still! I do have something to show off this time around. This is just something I did while lazing around at work today. I kinda like this tag, and when time permits, I'll color/vector it and use it for something, somehow. =D

It reads, Killed in Action - a tag for my own close knit group of friends. Not unlike the gang of six in the famed TV Series, we even have our own Central Perk, a place to call our own, where we go to just to hang out and slack - Eunos Kopitiam! Or perhaps Kia's House, our MJ Central?

Waha, I hope I can put this up on k.i.4 blogsite (now sadly defunct), or something like that. We'll see ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh no!!! i cant tell that's ki4 until u say it!!!

add some colours and it'll be nicer!!! woo! nice work!