Thursday, June 21, 2007

Dare Devil + Wolverine

I did not realize how amazingly tired I was until I crashed home today at approximately 8.30 pm (quite early by my standard) and went straight to bed. Initially I set myself a 2 hour nap and was planning to get back up to do some work and what not. The two hour dragged to four, and when I woke up at around midnight, Bear's comment made things much clearer - "You're so tired, why not go back to sleep?"

Yup, straight back to bed I went.

So my drawings had to wait some more. So did FutureScape and NKC. As I woke up a tad too early however, I spent a quick 10 minutes sketching out what I wanted to do with Dare Devil. He's kind of a lonely guy so I had wanted to tag-team him with another favorite of mine - Wolverine. Here's the quick 10 minute sketch.

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