Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Reading up this interesting book titled "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho has heightened my senses toward unusual things and happenings around me. I fancied myself 'reading' these omens, and predicting the future. Are these for real? Who knows, but it's something to ponder nevertheless.

The First Omen

The train I took today was hampered by various mishaps and delays. Quite unusually, the mishaps were plenty and the delays numerous. It's not a single delay where the train stops for a minute or two and proceeded smoothly. Instead, it labored on and stopped at least four times during the journey.

Perhaps this symbolizes the journey ahead for myself? Both in love and in career? I mentioned love because I was thinking of a particular someone, but there was another omen that strengthened my 'ponderings' – which I will reveal in due course.

The journey ahead in which I will often be stagnant, and make no proper advances/improvements – is this what lies ahead for me? Just the previous night I was wondering about the various local artists that had went ahead in pursuit of their dreams. And as I thought about them, a lingering doubt crept upon me. Surely it is too late for me to take off in pursuit of that dream?

Or perhaps it is merely a warning, for when you aspire for something with passion, all the universe conspires to make it happen, and this is merely an encouragement to keep advancing myself, and not be at rest?

Or perhaps it is a forewarning about the other matter? An encouragement to spur me on, and that the events of this coming Friday are merely one of those state of rest and delays but which I would eventually tide over and proceed?

The Second Omen

On one of those various stops during the train's journey, I noticed also a gentleman reading up on a book with great interest. What intrigued me greatly however, was how he took his highlighter and marked out important words (one can only guess) on the page. I was amused to note how he marked out practically 80% of the passage he was reading up on. Here is an example:

"The First Spirit is Love, which is manifested in:"

I felt this to be quite useless, because he is basically highlighting the whole passage instead of marking out important points here and there. Curiously, he lingered upon that passage quite a while, and I couldn't help but read through the first line of the page. It is shown above, and this I took to be another omen.

And then I realized that it was Thursday, and I made up my mind then and there to attend the night's gathering.

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