Saturday, July 14, 2007

Cannot Die 4.0 - A Review of Die Hard 4.0

This fourth installment of the flick doesn't offer anything new in the way of plausibility, but fans of the series should be well entertained by the series of impossible scenarios and stunts that came crashing wave after wave, each trying to top out the one before, and succeeding. Make no mistake about it, this movie is simply a whole load of fun, and it makes no pretense of being anything but that. In fact, I spent half the movie stifling my laugh at how impossibly crazy McLane is, but the one thing I can't deny was that ‐ it was a whole load of fun!

Willis slips easily into his role as John McLane, super action hero, and tho he is visibly older and grumpier, his indestructibility is obvious avnd his devil-may-care attitude endearing. Throughout the movie, he proceeds to defy all laws of nature, physics and common sense, and delivered non-stop action right from the beginning of the movie ‐ OK, that's a bit of an exaggeration, but 10 minutes into it and you won't even remember the kind of real world you're living in.

As usual, McLane got assigned a seemingly inconspicuous assignment, tasked to bring in a computer hacker Matt Farrell (Justin Long) and somehow stumbles into a sinister plot of stunning ambition, orchestrated by bad guys exponentially smarter than he is. He arrives just in time to save Farrell from assassins, and proceed to escort and protect him from, you guessed it, even more assassins. When he ran out of bullet, he took up his car and flew it towards the terrorist helicopter instead. After that he somehow zig-zagged his lumbering monster truck (think Optimus Prime), and avoids F-16 missiles as he chases the bad guys. Jumping off from the top of the F-16 (and surviving), he proceeded to mop the remaining bad guys with his trusty old Glock with a resounding "Yiipee-Kiy-Ai-Yeah!"

Give your tired brains a good old fashioned treat and remember to leave logic by the door, it's an entertaining ride that's well worth it. And just for the record, John McLane can kick Optimus Prime's ass twice a day, any day of the year.


Anonymous said...

omg you wrote this?? i cant believe it =p

tjhinn said...

better beh-liev-e it brah~! or else i kick your ar se!