Sunday, July 1, 2007

Zapfino and Times New Roman

I'm not sure how you guys felt about Field of Dreams - the closing of National Stadium event - but I personally enjoyed it~! Hope you guys feel the same! It was a damn shame tho, Jun Wen, Wen Jie, Lamb, Mom and Shu Yu couldn't make it. Hopefully we can organize another similar outing yah~ in the new National Stadium .. maybe, Singapore vs Indonesia? This time around, I will 'locate' the proper supplier for face paint from way before the event =D

I have to say that my own personal memories of the stadium aren't much to count for. But at least I actually experienced NDP there, in the stadium. Once, from the spectator stand. Once, with the Boys Brigade. And that last competitive match, Singapore vs Thailand - is a great memory unto itself. The crowd was amazing, the real Kallang wave - all complete with the earth-shaking thumping~ I remember how the Thai supporters were sectioned right next to our left, and there were plenty whistles and and not-so-friendly cheers and jeers from both sets of supporters (but that's how it's meant to be yeah). Fresh in memory also was how a group of ang-mohs was having lots of fun, dancing and cheering around - they really know how to let loose! And the group of nine with painted shirts, spelling out 'S I N G A P O R E' - And the Malay uncle who came walking past our section - towards the Thais, chastising, swearing and cursing - before turning back and having a laugh as the rest of us voiced our backing for him~! Well, can't wait for the opening of the new stadium is all I can say!

One thing I can't help noticing was how the Singapore Sports Council decided to use that particular font for the headlines in promoting the event. It's a font that's actually a favorite of mine, so I can't help smiling when I recognized it's sexy curves =) Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, ... Zapfino!

This very Shakespearean font is perfect for that night out on a classy beach-side restaurant. First class and by the sea, accompanied with an elegant live band performing classics from the all time greats. Follow it up with an inspiring play in the theater and then off to a cozy setting to round up the perfect date. Basically, when I think high-class, elegant and or classic, I think of you, Zapfino. My only complaint is that she can do with a little more bulk, her thin frame can really be quite drastic and dangerously close to being invisible.

Here's an interesting article that once again proves Designers to be .. well .. designers. We don't do things the normal way .. =) I'm off to design a poster for a faux artist performing at a faux event in a faux country!

It probably also explains my undying attraction towards poster design. A part of me wants to call my poster designs 'art', but another part chides me for being so naive and shameless. Getting paid to do something so fun has got to be a sin! But as I browsed through my old works today I surprised myself with how much work I have done that I can't even remember of. A lot of fun stuff that I really should be quite proud of~ (not surprisingly, a lot of poster designs). A part of me really really wants to go back to those old days working with (fake) clients that really allows me to let loose, and just go crazy with whatever is in my head. Is there such a job out there in Singapore?

Here's some of my extremely early poster works for promoting Times New Roman. My bullcrap reasoning was that Times New Roman being the standard font used in newspaper, magazines, and word processing softwares - it's gotta be quite legible. In fact, the very first thing that comes to mind when you mention Times New Roman are words like : standard, simple, strict, legible, normal, and most of all - boring. So I set out to disturb this perception of Times New Roman as all of that. I set the fonts up, tore them, break them apart, randomly stack them amongst each other and just had a little too much fun to call it work/study =) The end results are a set of posters that portrayed the font in a totally different light, which I feel works well to promote it amongst designers. My aim was to have them look at these posters and goes "oh hey, thats an interesting way to use Times New Roman,"

Hmm, I actually bullcrapped my way presenting works from 5-6 years back. Apparently I have reached a new level in bullcrapping .. +15 Intel

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