Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Reminders & Work Stuff

Indo CG Submission Noise Singapore

Personal reminders to submit works to these two competitions. Shitzor mah boxzor. Dead tired. My hands felt numb. Fingers finding it hard to move the mouse and clicking the left side. Reason is because of this.

Posters for Ministry of Manpower. Of which I still need to do another one, by the end of the day. I'm so fucked.

On another note, I did some more digging around at work and found this (below, below) - one of my favorite cover design I've done so far in Lancer. It's for SuperBowl, who is quite a large entertainment company in Singapore. They mentioned how they did not want to point too much towards bowling and wanted us to shine the spotlight on their other ventures, like the country club, properties, etc etc. My concept was to show a sort of pinball machine layout, with all the bright colours and illustrative icons to represent each of their various ventures. The idea was how pinball machine is a very common fun machine and while playing, you bounce the balls through various sections to earn more points. As such, its quite similar to how the shareholders and putting their trust in SuperBowl, who in turn 'bounces' (invests) in various ventures to earn more profits.

Fun. But of course, it didnt get selected. And you know which cover they selected instead? A cover design showing a bowling ball, rolling down the alley..... What. The. Fuck.... -_-

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