Monday, June 27, 2011

How To Plan Your Unique Wedding Online

When the prospective groom, bride or family today want to plan that wonderful unique wedding, they need not go hunting around. All they have to visit is the nearest virtual market where they can buy the ring online, plan the wedding dress, make the guest list and also make a reservation for a dream honeymoon. All this at the click of a button! Technology has made all this possible and in the big, bad, busy world, this concept of a one-stop, or rather one-click wedding planning is catching people's fancy.

All one has to decide is the person to whom he/she wishes to get married to, (in some cases even that is being handled by agents sitting at the virtual shop), and the rest is taken care of by the online wedding planner.

Online wedding planners have brought about a drastic change in the way weddings are being planned. They have ensured that all weddings planned through them are unique in their own way. To take an example, an Indian wedding, considered by many as perhaps the most complex set of rituals, is today been planned by parents, the couple and in some cases their agents online.

From designing the invitation cards, to ordering cocktails and dinner for the reception after the wedding to booking a hotel accommodation for their honeymoon, all is being done online today. The online services ensure that no two weddings are similar and the sense of uniqueness is maintained. Some online wedding services also provide plans for exotic weddings like an underwater wedding or a skywalk wedding. Online services, which guarantee a flawless wedding with the right combination pomp and budget, abound on the Internet. After all, most of us get married only once or at least enjoy only one wedding.

The online planners charge their customers for the services based upon the details that have been requested on the day of the wedding and before it. Typically, the planning starts at least a few months in advance. There are however, some instant planners, which advertise immediate wedding templates. The online service requests some kind of registration, and subject to availability and requirement from the customer, provides support through their representatives during the entire planning process.

The online wedding planner provides an interface to the customer to plan the wedding from scratch. Help is available on such services from planning the location, designing of the dress, arranging for a priest, security services, menu selection and ordering, guest list preparation, booking of party hall, planning for travel tickets for the guest and the couple, planning the perfect honeymoon and, the list goes on.

A feature of a good online wedding service is the correct recommendations that it provides to the customers during the process of selection of support services, and purchases. The online wedding service keeps a database of reliable providers through a feedback system, which can be used to grade actual service providers for they are past performance.

This recommender system can be used to select the correct menu, place to buy the dress, book a posh luxury hotel as the wedding venue, or maybe the designer for the wedding card. The customers can see the past record of each provider online and make an informed decision. This is relevant in case the couple is planning an exotic wedding, like maybe on top of Mt Kilimanjaro, and is looking for a reliable system to ensure that the people who are to attend the wedding are safe there!

The essence of the business model for such online wedding planners is the convenience that they offer to the clients and the way they make a complex job like planning a unique wedding simpler. A good online wedding planner will ensure that the overall experience of the planning is seamless and the wedding tension free. The customer is the ultimate beneficiary and convenience is the benefit.

Therefore, for all prospective brides and grooms, who decide to get married in an exotic way - fear not, the online wedding planner is here to guide you through!

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