Monday, September 10, 2007

The Week After

Monday Blues

Ah yes, its the first Monday Blues after the inaugural opening, and already I'm late and unable to deliver. Nevertheless, I did something else that bears mentioning. I interviewed Josaiah Chong, freelance designer based in Singapore and previously employed at St James Power Station. Oh yeah, Josh was very cooperative when I asked for information regarding employment there. Bearing in mind the sensitive issues in discussion *ahem*, the interview will have to be heavily edited, and I expect it will only be ready on Wednesday or Thursday.

Reasons don't mean shit, but I do have one for this lateness. During the course of my 20 minute power nap last night the Lord of Dreams cometh upon me with his stealthy assassins. What chance do I have against such adversity? Nay, I fought honorably but was slain throughout. Only in the morning after a full 10 hour sleep, did I wake up.

In all I missed a lot of freelance work deadlines, but for some reason or another I did not wake up to find a throng of messages/emails asking for the promised work. Calm seas bellies angry monsters inside? The time of judgement shall cometh, it will be a long night tonight.

Regret? Change for the Better?

The past week has seen me assume a wide range of role in life. To those whom I have not had the chance to share this, my brother failed his exams–spectacularly too I may add, 3 out of 4 modules. There are no reason to hide behind this, and even he himself has openly shared this information with his friends. Immediately after that, my parents and sister asked me to go and make sure he is doing fine, and to take a good observation at how he is living his life.

As a brother, I can see he is very much full of regret about what happened. But at the same time I am concerned about how much this regret can spur him on his quest for his education-will this be enough? As an observer, one would probably point out at his slightly extravagant living and his need to suppress this. His average spending is at $200 a week, and very recently he's bought himself a pair of shoe for $300! If you're earning your own money, that's probably nothing. But for students, thats just a luxury you can live without, in other words–extravagant.

I was thrust into the role of an advisor, as my parents (separately) confided in me about their concerns and opinions. Unsurprisingly, both my parents do not see eye to eye on this matter, and they asked for my opinion. While I definitely do not want to see my brother spend another extra year in Jakarta, I cannot deny that this may just be the price he has to pay. And I fully believe if he were to do that (spend a year in Jakarta), it will not be in vain–he will have to work for his education, and work hard at it. That's a steep price to pay, but I do believe that it will be for the better. Naturally, I pray for another solution altogether, of that in which he can come back to Singapore and be changed for the better. Ameliorated. Look it up people, thats a new word I learned last week.


I do have to admit a slight twinge of jealousy. $300 on a pair of shoes~!? Last night, I actually tried spending that much as I scour Suntec with a colleague of mine. Surprisingly, it was not as easy as it sounded. I had to make sure whatever I spend is well worth it, but in the end I spent nothing. Zilch. It was not for lack of trying either. I was about to purchase this pair of Adidas "Porsche Design", $150. The one I tried was a size 11, but even that looked good. I was disappointed to find that the only available size left. There was a nice vest at Gap, but it was too expensive–$75. And a shirt at RalphLauren–$130. I was unable to justify spending my hard-earned money on them. The closest I got to making a purchase was at the other Adidas shop, in Suntec instead of CityLink. They have a new Liverpool sneaker! Street style instead of for grass! Argh~ I'll have to go back and get it.

For some reason I find similar meanings in the past Sunday's preaching as per the one I attended 2 weeks ago. Maybe it's an omen from above, telling me to really keep this in mind? And maybe last night, as I feel asleep with little to no worry, it was actually a blessing in disguise? Well, all I can do is plan my day and follow through as best I could. The powers that be will lay my path. It's great to feel this surge of energy as I wake up today–I felt wide awake, and very very full of excitement.

And let it be known also that Sunday was the day Eunos Bak Kut Teh received The Ungodly Curse! We shall thread that water no more, for we have found greener pastures. All Hail the Joo Chiat Bak Kut Teh!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yah welcome back to the fatty's club of feasting. Yooohooo !!